Tosh and Kimley discuss "Recombo DNA-The Story of Devo or How the 60s Became the 80s" by Kevin C. Smith. Smith takes a deep dive examining just what made Devo tick and twitch. From 1970 to 1979, he takes us through the background and influences of this Ohio band who experienced the Kent State shootings, discovered Dada, enjoyed manipulating the ideas of de-evolution, experimented with film and multimedia shows and ultimately became a band with top 40 appeal. They managed to find themselves in the company of the people best suited to further their cause from Toni Basil to Brian Eno to Neil Young. Talent and timing is everything. Theme music: "Behind Our Efforts, Let There Be Found Our Efforts" by LG17
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Book Musik 033 - "Recombo DNA-The Story of Devo or How the 60s Became the 80s" by Kevin C. Smith
Book Musik 033 - "Recombo DNA-The Story of Devo or How the 60s Became the 80s" by Kevin C. Smith